Friday, April 29, 2011

Speaking at Christian Heritage Conference, Redmond, WA

Had a great time today at the Christian Heritage Home Educators Conference in Redmond, WA. Michael and Susan Braderick are the organizers (though they always graciously and quite sincerely defer credit to their board and committees) of this growing conference. It was fun having Cheryl and Giles and Gillian go up with me Thursday evening for the opening dinner and to set up our book exhibit.

My speaker hosts, the Hamilton clan, are gracious and almost embarrass me with how well they take care of me. What a delightful family. Without them I would not make it on time to any of my speaking sessions, would go hungry, would break my back packing books, and would be tea-less (Jean makes a particularly London-ish London Fog Latte). Giles (8) really came into his own today, showing signs of a marketing career ahead (O horrors), passing out book postcards, telling passers-by about specials (news to me) and about his favorite Bond books, sometimes shamelessly corralling as if he were part border collie. 

I spoke first on The Devil Hates Goose Quills, an address on elements of the writing process and why poetry is central to that process. Good follow-up chats with a number after that. And then to a large hall of Knox fans, I spoke on The Thundering Scot, Why Church History Matters. My central emphasis is that Christ and his gospel of free, unmerited grace alone must be at the center of everything we do and everything we teach and everything we learn.

Signed lots of books and chatted with many readers. Word is there's a few more folks planning on signing up for the Scotland 2011, Crown & Covenant Trilogy Tour for this summer. This is definitely the eleventh hour for it. Saw the Spear clan and Mrs Seelock, the saint. Giles enjoyed himself so much that he wants to join me tomorrow too.

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