Monday, June 27, 2011

Crisis in the Church of Scotland

We enjoyed sweet fellowship with the saints at Loudoun Parish Church in Newmilns, Ayrshire yesterday. David Randall preached from Jeremiah 25 and II Kings 25 in the morning, and from John 18, Jesus in Gethsemane in the evening worship service. Christ was honored and the gospel was proclaimed in this pulpit, but alas, not so throughout most of the Church of Scotland. The clerk of the Kirk session read a statement to the congregation regarding the CS's approval of homosexual ministers. Last week there was a meeting of 700 ministers and eleders at St. George's Tron Church in Glasgow, where Sinclair Ferguson used to preach, and where William Phillips pastors today. The Tron is probably the second largest congregation in the CS, the first, Gilcomston South, Aberdeem, already declaring its withdrawal from the denomination. We had supper after evening worship last night with the McCallums and the Steels, Angus Steel an elder at Loudoun Church. Long and passionate discussion of what constitutes an apostate church, why more ministers did not recognize that the CS was moving away from the authority of Scripture when women were approved for ordination more than two decades ago, and what should be the course of action for confessing churches today.

Here is the link to St. George's Tron Church audio files on various speeches delivered at the landmark meeting last week: 

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