Friday, April 20, 2012

CHS in St Andrews Scotland

Dumping buckets of rain until moments before we decoached to explore the sites in this historic and charming place, one of my all time favorite places to be on the planet, though I enjoy it heaps more when my wife is at my side.

Shared with the students about Patrick Hamilton, here from an excerpt of a book I'm writing:

The first Scottish Reformation martyr, young Patrick Hamilton, learned that there was no bait and switch in the gospel. He had learned from Luther that men and women do not earn or keep salvation by the works of the law. In other words, he learned the radical nature of the gospel. And he knew that grace was free, and he could not be saved by the law. Before his burning at San Salvator’s College, St. Andrews, in 1528, Hamilton personified both law and gospel and then put them in the ring to contend for his soul:
"The law saith, “Where is thy righteousness, thy goodness, thy satisfaction?” The gospel saith, “Christ is thy righteousness, thy goodness, thy satisfaction.” The law saith, “Thou art bound and obliged to me, to the devil, and to hell.” The gospel saith, ‘Christ hath delivered thee from them all.”

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