Wednesday, October 12, 2016

SERIOUS Young Author Interview

Meet writer, Ivy Rose

I am constantly amazed when speaking at conferences or churches and I meet young writers, SERIOUS young writers, writing and publishing books decades before I was writing (I was forty when my first book, Mr Pipes and the British Hymn Makers was published, and at Ivy's age I was doing everything I could to avoid the hard work of writing). I first met Hailey (pen name, Ivy Rose) at a conference in Redmond, WA several years ago. Yes, she is eighteen years old now, and several years ago she was seriously writing! Do the math. I want my readers to meet her and get an introduction to her book(s).

1.   Tell me about your background and desire to write.
I am the oldest in my family of seven children. I was blessed to be homeschooled during all of my school years, and after my graduation this year, I began taking college classes through Liberty University online. My goal is to be a nurse. My mom began teaching me to read when I was three years old, and even at that young age I spent several hours each week reading. As I grew older, my love for stories intensified. The only thing I would ask for as gifts were books! :) Around the age of seven, I started keeping a journal when my family would go on trips. From there, I started turning some of those “trip journals” into stories with fictional characters (based heavily off my own family). :)
2.       When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?
I don’t exactly remember, though I think the desire came about when I noticed a lack of stories with characters who were respectful to their parents and actually enjoyed being around their siblings. :) I would have been around ten.
3.       Give us a synopsis of your new book.
When seventeen-year-old Clara Boutwell married her dashing coworker, William McDonald, she was convinced her life was near perfect. The journey before them as newlyweds in the great city of Chicago was promising and exciting. But a frightening disease soon takes William in its grip, forcing them to the clean air of the western frontier in a desperate attempt to save his life. But pioneering doesn’t prove to be easy, with miles between neighbors instead of fences. On the eastern Washington prairies, the McDonalds face hardships and trials in a new world where everything is tested, from physical endurance to emotional strength—down to their relationship and faith in the Lord.

This novel tells the incredible true story of Clara and William, the great-great grandparents of the author, in a sweet narrative full of laughter, tears, and the struggles of an early pioneering family. Prepare yourself to share in their experience as you read this account of a pioneer family in Washington state, and see their lasting legacy that has endured into the fifth generation.

4.       Where did you get the ideas for writing it?
Because this book is the true story of my great-great-grandparents, the ideas for it came directly from my great-great-grandma’s memoirs.
5.       What is your writing routine like?
I try to have a weekly goal to work toward. At the end of each week, I re-evaluate and set new goals for the coming week. That goal can be an outline that needs finishing, a word count on a manuscript, or number of chapters edited. Then, I set a timer for 20 minutes. When the timer goes off, I do something else for another 20 (usually another writing project). I’ve found this method to allow me to get the most done in the shortest amount of time. And, it lets me have two projects going at once, which always makes me feel like I’m getting a lot done. ;)
6.       Who are the most influential authors that have impacted you spiritually and on a literary level too?
E.D.E.N Southworth has impacted me the most on a spiritual level. Her ways of weaving Christ into her novels without it sounding preachy or pushy are absolutely phenomenal. On a literary level, Janette Oke and Jaye L. Knight impact me the most. I can only dream of writing as well as they do.
7.       What are challenges for new authors breaking into the book marketplace?
As with any business, finding a niche is the hardest, yet the most important aspect. There are thousands of amazing books out there, making it quite intimidating for new authors trying to promote their book. What I’ve learned is that there truly are readers for every book. It might take time and effort to find those people, but they are out there. Also, I’ve come to realize that while my books might never be bestsellers, but they will undoubtedly affect someone’s life. Going into the book marketplace with that attitude has allowed me to be pleased with any and all progress my book makes.
8.       What other writing projects do you have going?
I am currently working on a contemporary novella about Chinese missionaries, as well as a full-length contemporary novel. Both of those projects are nearing completion, and when they are done, I will begin the second book of the Long Lake Legacy series.
9.       What advice would you give to other aspiring writers?
Write because you love it. Don’t write what you think other people will like—write what you like. It’s entirely impossible to make every reader happy.
10. What is your reason for writing?

I write because, firstly, I love to create stories. Secondly, I remember being frustrated around the age of thirteen because it felt as if I had run out of good books to read that were appropriate. I’d like to help bridge the gap and write books for teens that are entertaining, uplifting, and completely appropriate.

Connect with Ivy at her blog:

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